Contact Us > Haywards Heath > Directions to us in Haywards Heath
Directions to us in Haywards Heath
To make your journey to visit us at The Implant Centre in Haywards Heath as easy as possible, we’ve provided some travel options and information, including car travel, trains and buses.
The Implant Centre in Heath Square is a few minutes walk from Haywards Heath railway station. Simply leave the station, turn left under the railway bridge and walk up Boltro Road. You will find Heath Square on your left after some five hundred yards. If you are coming by car, there are a number of ways to find Heath Square, but probably the easiest is to follow the signs to Haywards Heath railway station and drive up Boltro Road from there.
For parking options please visit our Parking in Haywards Heath Page.
By Car - From the A272 East (Kent, Tunbridge Wells, Uckfield, Lewes, Newick)
Entering Haywards Heath on the A272 continue straight ahead at the roundabout with the Birch Hotel on your right and at the next roundabout by the Princess Royal Hospital, continue straight ahead onto Franklynn Road. At the next roundabout, take the second exit into South Road (Haywards Heath High Street).
At the end of South Road, join the one way system and immediately move over to the right hand lane. As you bear round to the right, join the left hand lane and take the left hand exit onto Boltro Road (sign posted to the Library / Council Offices)
Heath Square can be found approximately half way down Boltro Road on the right hand side. There is a red pillar (Post) box directly outside Heath Square.
No.5 is situated in the far right hand corner of Heath Square and The Implant Centre is based on the ground floor.
By Car - From the A272 West
From the A272 West (A/M23, M25, Brighton, London, Horsham, Guildford)
From the A23, take the exit signposted Haywards Heath / Petersfield and at the roundabout take the second exit onto Bolney Road, A272 signposted to Haywards Heath. Follow this road to Ansty.
At the next roundabout, turn left on the A272 (signposted to Haywards Heath).
At the next roundabout, take the second exit onto the bypass (signposted to Haywards Heath). At the end of the bypass, take the second exit onto Tylers Green, A272 (signposted to Haywards Heath)
At the next roundabout, take the first exit onto Butlers Green, A272 (signposted to Haywards Heath).
At mini roundabout, continue forward on A272 onto Butlers Green Road and at the next mini roundabout, continue forward on A272 onto Muster Green (signposted Town Centre).
At the end of Muster Green, join the one way system and join the left hand lane. Take the left hand exit onto Boltro Road (sign posted to the Library / Council Offices).
Heath Square can be found approximately half way down Boltro Road on the right hand side just past. There is a red pillar (Post) box directly outside Heath Square.
No.5 is situated in the far right hand corner of Heath Square and The Implant Centre is based on the ground floor.
On Foot From Haywards Heath Station
Exit Haywards Heath station at the main exit and turn left under the railway bridge into Market Place. Follow the road alongside the station, past the secondary station entrance and up the hill into Boltro Road.
Heath Square can be found on the left hand side just after the Job Centre. There is a red pillar (Post) box directly outside Heath Square.
By Bus
Buses from most surrounding towns and villages stop regularly at Sainsburys and Haywards Heath Railway Station (both of which are at the bottom of Boltro Road) and also in South Road.